Board of Committee

Chair of Committee Board


Professor Liu Jia serves as Dean of Psychology and Deputy Director of State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience at Beijing Normal University. He has graduated from Peking University with Bachelor and Master degree of Psychology, and received Ph.D. Degree of cognitive neuroscience from MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Science. He has been awarded The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, Hundred-Talent Program (Chinese Academy of Sciences), The Fulbright research scholars, Yangtze river scholars Distinguished Professor, Chair of Scientific Advisory Committee of Jiangsu TV “Super Brian”, the Award of Innovative Talent by the 5th All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese Congress. He also serves as Deputy Chief Editor of “Psychological Science”, editorial member of “Acta Psychologica Sinica” and “Brain and Culture”, Deputy Head of Committee of General and Experimental Psychology at Chinese Psychological Society, and Chair of National Talented Specialty Committee, Chinese Talents Society.

Leaders of CAGT

Vice President/Chairman
WANG WenjieWANG WenjingWANG JunchengREN YiyiLIU ZhengkuiSONG HongxiaZHANG YaquanLI LieLI XiguiFENG HuiyanSHEN MaodeCHEN YangCHEN JinYU Kai GAO KunZHAI Jinghua
Secretary General
WANG WenjingWANG Jun
Deputy Secretary General
HU SiyuanSUN Jinxin CHEN Fangzhu

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